Tuesday 15th January 2019 – CHAOS, TURMOIL AND MAYHEM!

Yes, the promises of Liam Fox and his “easiest deal in History” came thoroughly unstuck today as Mrs Mayhem suffered the worst ever defeat of any Government in the whole history of Parliament.

The whole set of wheels has come off and the UK has been plunged into total chaos. The ship is drifting helplessly with no-one at the helm and in a couple of months time it will drop off the edge of the World and into the abyss and who knows what will happen.

I don’t know how many tens of millions of lives will be affected by the failure of the UK Government to ask 65 million people a proper question and receive a proper answer. But it’s the illiterate uneducated Etonites who are responsible for all of this. All they ever learnt at Public School was sodomy, and they must have spent a lot of time at it judging by the way that they have completely buggered up the UK.

With having had an early night I had a little fit of tossing and turning during the night but managed to stay asleep until the alarm went off. And I managed to haul myself out of bed at something that resembled a reasonably early time.

First job though was to make some muesli. I’d run out yesterday and forgot to do some. And fresh muesli really is delicious.

After breakfast I started to download another pile of programs for the new computer.

But not straight away.

The computer decided that it wanted to do an upgrade of the operating system and that took a while. But since then the computer hasn’t dropped the internet connection.

Of course, I’m preparing for the worst, especially as I have tempted fate, but we shall see.

It’s nice though, nevertheless, to be able to connect up all of my external drives, a couple of portable drives, a couple of memory sticks and a memory card reader all at once and swap files around.

By the end of the morning all of the programs that I think that I need are loaded on, including the printer files and the Nikon software, so I could go to lunch in a happy state.

Lunch was butties of course, with some home-made hummus out of the freezer. And delicious it was too.

Talking of memory cards, I realised (too late) that the new computer doesn’t have an SD card slot and that was expected to cramp my style somewhat seeing as the big Nikon takes full-size cards.

But then I remembered – the card in there is a micro-SD card in an adaptor, and I do have a micro-SD card reader. So now, I’ve finally managed to load up all of the photos – almost 400 of them – that have been building up since the other laptop died. And I made a start on editing them too.

I might even be finished before the end of the month. However, I was interrupted by a brief 20 minutes asleep on my chair.

float baie de mont st michel granville manche normandy franceBut then I was able to go off and wander around the headland for a walk in the wind.

But just offshore at the Pointe du Roc there’s something weird bobbing up and down.

I’ve not noticed this before so I was wondering what it might be. it could be a ball of some kind that’s been washed off a beach, or a cable buoy that has come adrift from its mooring in the tidal port, or even a fishing float.

fishing boat ile de chausey granville manche normandy franceTalking of fishing, there was some kind of movement out to sea near the Ile de Chausey.

Coupling up the 70-300mm zoom lens I could see that it’s the yellow and blue trawler from Granville on its way back to the harbour with today’s catch from the English Channel.

Frying tonight, obviously. But I wonder what kind of fish it has in the hold.

thora port de granville harbour manche normandy franceAnd talking of the harbour, we have one of our regular visitors in here this afternoon. Thora has come in from St Helier on one of her regular freight runs.

One of these days I’ll have to go down there and have a look round her. A while back I was given a guided tour of her elder sister Grima, so I’m intrigued to see what Thora is like.

It should be quite interesting, and if this stupid Brexit gets out of hand, I might find myself having to sign on as a ship’s cook so I’ll need to know my way around.

Back here with a coffee and some cake, I looked at the post. And I now have not only my duplicate telephone bills but also … wait for it … my certificate from the Tax Office. Still a few things that I need but we’re well on the way.

The new spare ink for the printer arrived today as well, and it’s just as well because I’ve started to print out the documents that I need. This is going to be a long – and expensive – job.

Another thing that I managed to accomplish was to have a shower and a haircut. My hair was getting a little out of control so a good trim with my sheep-shearer was appropriate.

For tea, I had home-made pie with baked beans and some oven chips that I found in the bottom of the freezer that had been there since last winter.

fibre optic cable work granville manche normandy franceAnd followed that by a walk around the walls.

They are progressing with the Fibre-Optic cable work. They’ve now dug a hole on the corner where one of the little alleys joins the rue Notre Dame – presumably to drop an inspection chamber or junction box in there.

And the new little kitten was waiting for me again. he or she had another little stroke.

So now while the politicians are busy hitting the fan, I’m going to bed. I wonder what kind of news tomorrow will bring.

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One thought on “Tuesday 15th January 2019 – CHAOS, TURMOIL AND MAYHEM!

  1. General Cornwallis

    Nobody really expected a win for the leave campaign so no limitations were imposed such as a 60% leave threashold.

    As I said elsewhere. Brutain is being a total bunch of plonkers. I’m pissed off that as a uk citizen (born in Wales no less) I was denied the opportunity to vote.

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