Wednesday 26th October 2011 – JUST FOR A CHANGE …

… I was up early this morning and I managed to have a really good go at the website this morning. I’ve left Trois Rivieres and arrived at Cap-de-la-Madeleine where I’m having a good wander around the pilgrimage site.

Absolutely fascinating and full of the most unexpected irony. 

pointing stone wall les guis virlet puy de dome franceSo this afternoon I was up the wall on the ladder, and in the wind too, chiselling out the old sand-and-clay mortar from the top of the wall. There was so much that came out that I had to do two large mixes of mortar and that still wasn’t enough to do that bit.

And it was exciting up there for several reasons.

  1. I was carried away with what I was doing and it wasn’t until it suddenly went dark that I realised just how late it was. 19:05 when I knocked off this evening.
  2. there was all kinds of noise going on in the brush in the field next door and all of a sudden two wild boar shot out and ran across the field. The first wild boar that I have seen properly here as well. They are bigger and heavier than I expected and the earth moves when they run. They have a hell of a speed as well. And the racket that they make is astonishing. I was really surprised.
    You’re probably wondering why I didn’t take a photo of them, and indeed I would have, except that I was up the top of the ladder and the camera was down below. After all, it’s difficult enough trying to manipulate a bucket of water and a paintbrush, a hand brush, a bucket full of stones, a trowel and a hawk full of lime mortar when you are up the top of a ladder, never mind a camera as well.

Tonight I made a curry and seeing as I have no courgette left I used tinned mushroom and tinned chick peas. And it didn’t half come out well too. And there’s enough for another two days as well. Ohhh the luxury!

So tomorrow I’ll be back up the wall. And quite right too.

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One thought on “Wednesday 26th October 2011 – JUST FOR A CHANGE …

  1. Krys

    It looks great, a really neat job. A bit more decent weather (oh if only!) and that end of the house will be nice and watertight this winter.

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