Category Archives: lezardrieux

Wednesday 1st July – MUCH TO MY …

… own surprise I once more beat the third alarm to my feet. But that was more in the hope that I wouldn’t awaken my fellow passengers with the racket that it makes rather than any keenness on my part. Some stuff on the dictaphone too and I’ll tell you more anout that as time goes on. I’ve not yet listened to it so I don’t know as yet if I have had any exciting company.

Mind you, my shipmates aren’t so pleased with me. Apparently David Bowie awoke the whole ship this morning and they have politely asked me to switch off my alarm tomorrow.

We had a leisurely start today and Strawberry Moose became the first moose ever to set hoof on the Isle de Brehat. There he found himself a girlfriend – it was love at first sight.

This all involved a zodiac ride and if anyone from Adventure Canade were to see the security precautions that we took, they would blanch. But we made it ashore (and back) safely and had a good tour around the island for three hours or so.

Back on the Spirit of Conrad we had an unexpected hitch. The anchor was jammed and it needed both the crewmen to free it. However we needed to leave at that moment because of the tide so Yours Truly was trusted with the controls all on my own for about an hour or so.

Luckily I wasn’t at the controls a little later because we had “an incident”. There was a ship anchored off the coast right in our path and as we approached it, it signalled to us to “clear off”. We saw no reason to so we carried on regardless and right behind it was a police launch – the Geranium I. And they came to intercept us.

Apparenty this ship is surveying the ocean bottom and there have been some disputes with the local fishermen, so a 500-metre exclusion zone has been declared around it. All very well if you are a local and you know, but if you don’t know, you don’t know.

They were on board for almost an hour verifying all of our papers and everything before they cleared off.

The weather, that hadn’t been too good to start with, deteriorated over the course of the day. We passed Cap Frehel in a heavy cloud and by the time we moored at St Cast le Guildo) it was raining heavily. Mind you there are some good modern showers in the harbour office so I for one took full advantage.

Rosemary called me for a chat too which was nice – but that meant that it was quite late when I came back on board. However with no 06:00 alarm in the morning it doesn’t matter all that much. I’m off to bed and hopefully I’ll be having a good lie-in


Tuesday 30th June 2020 – IT WAS AN …

… early start this morning. We were supposed to be present in the dining room at 06:00. And much to my own surprise I was there as well – which just goes to show that I can do it when I try, even though something awoke me at 03:30 and I didn’t go back to sleep for an hour and a half.

There were some things on the dictaphone that I listened too and which I’ll transcribe in due course. But a welcome return to Zero who has accompanied me on many travels in the past but hasn’t been around for a couple of years. How nice for once to see a familiar friendly face on my journeys around the ether.

When the tide turned at 07:00 or thereabouts we were all fed and watered (I actually had some bread and jam and a banana) and we set sail out of the bay where we had spent the night. Straight into a raging sea.

We were all allowed to take our turn at the wheel – to keep it between 45 and 50 degrees to the wind. And it’s not that easy steering a 67 foot yacht in a high wind at speed. It reminded me very much of trying to steer a Morris Marina – you turn the wheel and nothing happens for a couple of minutes and then suddenly it swings right round – far too far so you have to swing it back and inevitably repeat the process. I zigzagged my way down the Brittany coast like a drunken sailor as far as Cap Frehel and then someone else took the reins.

Talking of Cap Frehel, I took a photo of it as we went past. Regular readers of thie rubbish will recall that a few weeks ago I took a few photos of what I thought was Cap Frehel and there was a very distinctive object visible, even though it is 70 or so kms away from Granville. When I edit the photo that I took today, you can compare it with the one that I took then and draw your own conclusions.

Shortly after this I was overwhelmed with fatigue and started to have the shakes again and went freezing cold, which is not like me, hot stuff that I am. I think that I’ve eaten something that I shouldn’t. Only one cure for that, and that was bed. And there I stayed for … gulp … three and a half hours. I missed lunch, so I was back to two meals per day despite having had breakfast.

It took a while to recover my composure too.

By now we were sailing up a river towards the port of Lezardrieux where we eventually found a mooring. I was in charge of tying up the bow and I could have done a better job there too.

We had an aperitif (tisane for me) and then took the zodiac to the shore. A pretty little town it is and I’ll tell you why – and that is that even though the port car park has been remodelled like that of Granville, it’s not an appalling, tasteless patch of tarmac but nicely cobbled with trees and bushes, which just goes to show that you can do it if you try.

What a dreadful lack of taste there is in Granville.

There are also rows of low wooden posts around there marking the boundary as I discovered to my cost when I wasn’t looking where I was going.

Another thing here are public showers and I wish that I had known that before I came ashore.

Later in the evening we – three of us actually – went for a zodiac ride upriver. And enjoyable as it was, the rain put a dampener on the whole proceedings. We’re having no luck with the weather.

There had been pasta for lunch and there was some left over so I had that with one of the curries that I had brought.

But now it’s pouring down with rain outside and it’s not the weather to be out taking the air. I’m going to have another early night and hopefully have a good sleep. We’re back at sea tomorrow.