Tag Archives: varnishing worktop

Friday 19th JUne 2015 – I’VE HAD AN INTERESTING DAY

I was actually working this morning when the alarm went off at 08:00. That’s not something that happens every day, so you need to make a note of it. I did!

I was putting the coat of varnish on the underside of the shower-room worktop. The top coat was dry from yesterday evening so I could run it over and begin. I wanted to do that as early as possible so that it would be dry by the end of the afternoon.

Back up here after breakfast, and seeing as I was on a roll, I did another live concert for Radio Anglais, editing and engineering it to make a continuous stream. Now I don’t know why it is but sometimes I’m there for days and I can’t ever set the joins correctly. At other times, it’s as if the joints go together automatically with only the most minimal effort, and today was one of those days.

The only real problem that I did have was with the original engineering and I found myself at times editing out the faults in the original mixing. One was particularly troublesome but I managed to overdub the following track and fade out the previous track where I’d overdubbed it, so that the annoying click is inaudible. Studying the waveforms of the two tracks, you can usually find a length in each tracks that is pretty much identical, and you can superimpose them at that position.

I’ve also restarted a radio project that I had begun in 2013 but with all of the issues that I was having in that year, I had set aside. I’ll tell you more about it at a later date when it’s complete (whenever that might be) but I need some info from Radio Tartasse that won’t be available until the end of the month.

After lunch, I found to my delight that the worktop was dry. So I could turn it back over and put the second coat on the top. This is bang on plan as the second coat always takes ages to dry and it can stay like that until Monday now.

I tidied up the shower room, brushed everything up and removed the debris. It’s looking quite tidy in there now, for a change. I’ve also fitted the missing mounting rail for the worktop (I should have done that yesterday but I forgot) and then I measured up the doorway so that I can make a start in making the door frame on Monday.

This evening it was shopping in St Eloy-les-Mines and if there was a big queue at the checkouts, I was in it. One of those days.

I didn’t buy anything extra, except for the strawberries. A huge punnet for €1:99 and the ones that I ate tonight (there’s enough for three or four days) were delicious. Well, i did have some soya cream that needed using up.

And seeing as how there were no yellow paper collecting bags out on the streets in Montaigut last week, I imagined that tonight would be collection night so I took all of mine down there. But there were none about so it can’t be every fortnight like it is in most places. But the two slugs and a snail enjoyed the run out anyway.

And now, just for a change, I’m going to have a very early night. My efforts this morning have caught me up.

Thursday 18th June 2015 – I’M FED UP …

… with this weather.

It started off okay this morning but it clouded over slowly as the day progressed and by the time it was going dark it was teeming down with rain again. It’s really getting on my nerves. I recon that during the last week we’ve had more than 150mm (6 inches) of rain.

I had another morning spent on the computer dealing with these hardware issues that I’ve been having. I’m still nowhere near fixing them but I’m not ‘arf learning a lot on my way around.

enlarged holes in stud wall for pipework shower room les guis virlet puy de dome franceAs far as working on the house went, I’ve finished drilling and enlarging all of the holes for the pipework in the stud wall. There were a couple more holes that I had forgotten and so I drilled those too.

I then turned my attention to the worktop.

That has now been completely drilled out for the pipes. Then I measured all up for fitting the sink and the tap. All of the holes have been drilled for them now (and I spent some time trying to take off the holecutter from the spindle – that wasn’t easy either) and the top surface has now had the first coat of wood treatment. It looks quite nice, but it’s still too dark if you ask me.

Tomorrow first thing I’ll do the underside of the worktop and then towards the end of the day I’ll put the second coat on the top surface. In between times, I’ll have a go at attacking the door frame and see where that takes me.