Tag Archives: fell out of tree

Wednesday 3rd July 2013 – WELL, THE SHOWER ROOM …

shower room stud wall les guis virlet puy de dome france… is looking much more like a shower room now.

All of the horizontal battens on the stud wall have been cut and shaped, drilled for the passage of cables, and then screwed into position.

And if I feel like it tomorrow, I could even put the plasterboard onto the stud wall and that would make a whole world of difference;

In fact, you are probably wondering why I didn’t do that this afternoon.

I could quite easily have done too but in fact I was plagued by interruptions.

Marianne and Rosemary both rang me up today for long chats and I was there for ages with them.

And then Rob and Nicolette came round just as I was getting into full swing. Their internet had gone down and they needed urgent access, and then they needed to report the fault.

That took ages to sort out as well and by the time everyone had left me alone the hours were slipping away and it was ever so frustrating.

Of course, I’m not complaining about the interruptions. Quite the reverse in fact.

Firstly, it’s nice to speak to friends and have a good natter. It all helps oil the wheels of social intercourse.

Secondly, when I fell off my ladder back in November 2011 Rob drove me all the way to Montlucon, waited patiently for three hours while I was sewn up, and then drove me home – and wouldn’t accept even a centime for the fuel.

You’ll put yourself out for neighbours like that every time without a moment’s hesitation, but it always seems to happen at inconvenient moments.

And for the first time in I don’t know exactly how long (but we are talking years here) I had music while I worked for the whole day.And it’s quite true what they say, that “there’s none as thick as those that want to be”.

Having tried a whole series of devices to have music where I’m working, I finally worked out the solution that is so obvious to everyone else. Why don’t I simply take my little notebook computer and find a safe place to wedge it?

Exactly what I did and I had music all day. Berk!

As for last night’s dream, I can’t remember too much of it but I do remember having to rescue Strawberry Moose from an oven and finding that all of his antlers were burnt off – something that I found really upsetting.

I’ll have to give up this cheese lark, I’ll tell you.

Friday 25th November 2011 – YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN IN STITCHES …

CUTTING DOWN CONIFER TREES les guid virlet puy de dome france… watching me cut down the conifers at the front of the barn this afternoon.

But I’m not in stitches – I’m in staoles.

6 of them!

All across the top of my head.

I did something today that I vowed that I would never do – and that is to use a power tool to cut down a tree. When you are sawing away by hand, you can feel the tree start to give and you have plenty of time to move out of the way as it slowly keels over.

But with a power tool you can’t feel it and it takes you by surprise. And that’s not good if you are 3 metres up a ladder.

So it caught me under the chin, lifted me off the ladder and dropped me on the floor where my head struck the trailer with a glancing blow.

But I’m inpressed with that Ryobi 18-volt saw that I bought in the USA last year (almost as impressed, Rhys, as I am with my galvanised steel dustbin). It didn’t take long at all to go through this tree.

So let’s look on the positive side.

I was bleeding everywhere and so I went to Rob and Nicolette’s to get Nicolette to look at it as I couldn’t see anything of course. One look from her and Rob was detailed to drive me to Montlucon.

We waited for a couple of hours there (and I chatted to the father of one of the FC Pionsat St Hilaire footballers who had been admitted following a car accident) and then I was examined and stapled up.

What a waste of time that was, though. I have a stapler at home and Rob could have done that without having to waste 4 hours of his time. But I was grateful for his help – it’s nice to have good neighbours.

Of course we had all of the old jokes – “the Doctor examined your head but found nothing” and all that kind of thing.

But one piece of optimism is that many things work better if you give them a kick or if you bang them. I wonder if that will work for me now.

puy de dome franceWhat makes it worse was that I was only cutting down the trees for something to do while I was waiting for some paint to dry. It was so nice again today that I gathered up all of the pieces of wood from the greenhouse and I’ve painted them with a couple of coats of wood treatment and the first coat of the wood staining.

And I was only doing that because I can’t do the roof on the lean-to yet – the scaffolding is in the way.

I was going to give it all a second coat this evening and then start to assemble it tomorrow but badger that. I’m going to have a day off tomorrow.