Friday 10th January 2014 – MAKE THE MOST …

downstairs groound floor living room les guis virlet puy de dome france… of this photo for you may never see the like of it again.

I spent the morning cleaning out an area of the floor and I’ve put two old pallets against the old chimney and stacked the bags of cement and plaster on there to keep them off the ground. So now I can start to move things around.

But right in the centre where you can see the steps, the big black mortar-mixing bucket and the empty space, that was where there was a huge mound of rubble, stones, old insulation, all kinds of rubbish and it’s that which I’ve been emptying this week.

There’s still a huge pile of junk to be moved and I was planning on moving it this afternoo except that I had a little interruption. Terry rang to ask me if I was still interested in going to Montlucon. Do bears have picnics in the woods?

We stopped off at the LIDL by the river where they had a couple more of those LED light bulbs and then we went to Brico Depot. Terry bought his huge rainwater-harvesting tank and I took advantage of the 3m40 length of the inside of his van to buy another 20 shuttering planks. Like I’ve said before, they make excellent shelves and I’m in shelf-making mode right now.

A few other bits and pieces too, but the highlight definitely has to be some more 12-volt LED bulbs. 4-watt this time – even brighter, and €5:99 this time – not for one but for two. so I bought 5 packets of those and they will light up the barn a treat, I reckon. All I need to do is to invent a light to house them, and I have a cunning plan …

So by the time I was back home and had a coffee, it wasn’t worth starting work again for the last half-hour or so. But I had half a day off on Thursday morning and half a day off Friday afternoon so what I reckon is that tomorrow I should put in a few hours work in the living room again and crack on there.

There’s a reason for that. The long-range weather forecast reckons that by the end of next week this Indian Summer will be over and we’ll be in the depths of winter again. If I have an empty room on the ground floor I can move my workroom down from the bedroom. And when that’s empty I can crack on in there. That will keep me out of mischief in the cold weather and if I can break the back of that and finish the wardrobes in there I’ll have space to put my clothes and spare bedding.

And then I can dismantle the two wardrobes in here, and won’t that give me much more space?

I won’t know myself at this rate, will I?

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