Saturday 1st October 2022 – THAT WAS HORRIBLE

I awoke this morning with my right foot swollen up like a balloon and with pain the like of which I haven’t felt before. I’ve no idea what has happened because despite all of my meanderings yesterday there wasn’t a hint of this happening.

As a result, most of the day has been spent in bed with my foot up, doing not very much at all. It’s a good job that I went to the shops for food supplies when I arrived because at least, I have stuff to eat and drink even if it means staggering around in the room a little

There was some stuff on the dictaphone too from last night. This dream concerned someone who was driving a car and came to an area where there was a strike. He understood that when he reached the strike he had to leave the road and re-join the road where this strike was over. He didn’t realise that he could do things differently. People started to call him names about it being stupid so he went to tell the Police. He met a policeman at the traffic lights where he had been at the start. He got into his car and drove to this policeman while he was telling this policeman his story. The policeman was surprised and asked this guy what he wanted him to do. The guy said that he was annoyed at people calling him names and being stupid. The policeman said that there wasn’t an awful lot about that that could be done but this guy was rather insistent. He’d been driving around for quite a while while this guy was telling the policeman his story.

There had been some kind of kidnapping. A couple of people had been taken. The gang that did it – I managed to track them down. I was about to make some kind of arrest. They had a secret code number which was 2568. How I knew about this I really can’t remember. There was a sudden knock at the door. Someone wrote something down on a pad so I had the burnt tip of a match and rubbed it on the pad and it came up with the number 2568 so I opened the door wide but stepped right back. It revealed a guy whom I knew but I hadn’t quite connected him with this kidnapping affair. He came in but in the confusion I was hit on the head and knocked out. In the meantime these people disappeared and ended up on a deserted World War II airfield hidden between bales of hay in a tent or two. Their plan was to move people out early in the morning. I had the impression from what they were saying although I wasn’t there that “moving them out” meant that some of them would be flown away, the valuable ones, and the others would be quietly liquidated

Later on I was back at home again in a kind of bunk bed with instead of being a bed there was a shelf over the top. On my bed were a load of files all in red filing covers. I started to arrange some o the shelf but very slowly. I thought “this is going to take for ever. What I need is a wild fit of enthusiasm” so I suddenly leapt up and started to grab these files with the aim of filing them all on the shelf quite rapidly but I awoke instead.

Something else that I did was to go through the 40 or so photos that I took yesterday and to carry out a little research on what I’d seen.

gare centrale Montreal Canada Eric Hall photo October 2022Later on in the afternoon, in extreme agony, I hobbled out and on the metro to the Bonaventure railway station. Tomorrow evening I have to be at the Central Railway Station so I needed to work out a plan and to check the route.

The agony was indescribable so I won’t try to describe it and the walk was ridiculous. It’s one thing that I’ve said so many times about the Metro in Montreal is that it goes where it was convenient for the planners to put it, not at all convenient for where the passengers want to go. As I result I had to drag myself through a labyrinth of corridors, making several wrong turns because the signposting is awful.

steps up to escalator gare centrale Montreal Canada Eric Hall photo October 2022It’s not built for disabled people either. There are several escalators in there, that’s true, but for one at least of the escalators you have to walk up half a dozen steps to reach it and that totally defeats the whole purpose of the escalator.

At the station I found a very helpful member of staff who told me everything that I needed to know and gave me a few tips and hints too, so it was well-worth the effort to go there.

The stagger back home was no less painful and I was glad to collapse on the bed again. Rosemary rang and we had another one of our marathon chats. These internet-based telephone services are worth their weight in gold.

Later on I made another coffee, had another bowl of muesli and a bagel with jam and went to bed. I’d done enough today. Let’s hope that there will be an improvement tomorrow

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