Saturday 20th July 2013 – I HAD A DAY OFF TODAY

Not like me, a day off on a Saturday, but there is method in my madness.

I’m leaving here to go back to Brussels on Monday evening and as we are radioing all day that day, it would have meant that I would have had to load up Caliburn and clean up around here on Saturday.

And on Sunday, my day off, I would have been messing up the place and looking for stuff that I’d already packed away.

Didn’t seem logical to me, hence the decision to have a day off today and do the work tomorrow.

Mind you, the photographer guy came round this morning and took my pic, and instead of having taken against my house (which, quite frankly, given the weeds around here, would have been a silly thing to do) I had it taken against Caliburn.

Let Caliburn share in some of the limelight.

But it was scorching this morning, really hot. And I soon put a stop to that. After going down to the Intermarché at Pionsat for some bread at lunchtime (I’m not shopping as I’m not going to be here) I cleaned out the solar shower and refilled it.

Of course, that was when the weather changed and we had heavy clouds for the rest of the day.

Cécile skyped me for a chat and I took advantage of having a notebook computer with built-in webcam and gave her a guided tour of the new shower room and the tidy bedroom.

I could make a habit of this – anyone else like the guided tour?

So really, that is that.

Tomorrow I’ll still have my lie-in but then I’ll be working. I need to tidy out Caliburn, collect all of the stuff that I’m taking to Brussels, and then have a good tidy up and clean-up around here.

And if the weather holds up, I might even have a solar shower.

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