Wednesday 31st January 2018 – AND I DIDN’T …

… go out to take my mobile phone to be seen to today either.

And there were three good reasons for that

  1. The weather this morning was almost as bad as yesterday. Not quite, but almost. And seeing as I shall be out at the shops (weather permitting) tomorrow, there’s no point in giving myself an unexpected drenching for no really good reason
  2. I’ve not been feeling too good today. In fact this afternoon I was feeling pretty awful
  3. I’m not quite sure what I’ve done, or what buttons I pressed, but all of a sudden the “messages” started to work as it should. And I’ve been able to send and receive messages now. So I hope that it continues tomorrow. We shall see.

I’d had a reasonable night’s sleep last night but waking up was a struggle. I dozed back off to sleep again and the second one didn’t go off (and I’ve no idea why – it’s correctly programmed). So it was with rather a jolt that I awoke a couple of minutes later than I should have done. And that set the tone for the day.

This morning I attacked the photos again and made more progress. And regular readers of this rubbish will recall that this thing about photos started because I was looking for a certain couple of photos that I couldn’t find anywhere where they were supposed to be. But I found them today – called by a different name than I remembered and in a totally different directory too.

Such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

But I wondered why, as the day drew on, it was starting to go cold in here. It seems that I had forgotten to switch on the heating this morning.

After lunch, my exertions caught up with me and I was flat out for a good 45 minutes. Really feeling the strain. And then the Bank finally called me up and we had a chat for a while. It seems that the information that I had given them back on the 5th of January wasn’t sufficient (but of course they hadn’t let me know) so that needed re-doing.

And tracking down the information wasn’t easy either.

port de granville harbour manche normandy franceThe weather had eased off a little by late afternoon so I went for a walk – around the walls today missing out on observing the bad parking. I don’t want my blood pressure going through the roof.

And it seems that they have installed some kind of step at the entrance to the harbour – the tide was out but there was definitely water in the basin and ships were moored in there without grounding out.

I shall have to go for a wander around there tomorrow for a look around and see what gives.

Back here, I grabbed a couple of memory sticks and copied a pile of music onto them. My new hi-fi only plays 999 tracks so I organised the memory sticks accordingly.

But there are thousands of CDs, tapes and records here, with tens of thousands of tracks, and by the time that I’ve finished I reckon that I’ll need a dozen. So anyone who has any old 2GB memory sticks, let me know.

full moon port de granville harbour manche normandy franceTea was more tortillas with my spicy filling, and then I went off for a walk around the headland.

It’s full moon tonight so I need to shave the palms of my hands in the morning of course, but it really was nice watching the moonlight reflecting off the water in the harbour.

It made me realise how lucky I was to find this little apartment. It’s only 38.8 m² but it’s ideal for what I want. A sea view and a balcony would be nice of xourse, but having seen the rubbish that is on offer here, I’m glad that I’m in this place.

And final news will surprise you all as much as it surprised me. I’ve had a message from the Driving Licence people – “your application has been processed and your licence sent for printing”.

Well, well, well.

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