Sunday 8th December 2024 – THIS BLASTED STORM …

… Darragh or whatever it’s called is crazy. It’s only just now beginning to abate after one of the wildest weekends that I can remember.

This morning there was a report of 5,000 homes in this département alone having their electricity cut off, and I don’t suppose that the situation has improved any over the course of the day.

There have been no trains running this weekend and I imagine that they won’t restart for a couple of days while the track is inspected for damaged infrastructure and fallen trees

Reports this morning also mentioned gusts of wind at 153 kph – not quite the 203 kph of earlier in the year but it’s still impressive enough

One thing is for certain though – and that is that if the weather keeps on deteriorating like this, we aren’t ever going to be short of electricity. The wind turbines must have been going around like the clappers.

There was that much noise outside with the wind that I had to use some sound-proofing techniques when I wanted to dictate the radio notes last night. I’d waited until quite late when whatever traffic that there might have been had all gone to bed but coping with the wind was something else.

Once it was finished though, I could head for bed. Before midnight too, which meant that with a lie-in until 08:00 I was for once going to have a decent sleep

Sure enough, it was, too. I didn’t stir at all and neither was I disturbed. Whatever the wind was doing didn’t bother me, with my head tucked well down underneath the quilt

The alarm going off at 08:00 shook me from my slumbers and it was quite an effort to scramble to my feet before the next alarm.

After the bathroom I came back in here to listen to the dictaphone, and I was disappointed because there was hardly anything on it. When the alarm went off we were discussing ethnicity and particularly Native Americans, about how people were too busy trying to classify them into little boxes. Someone was doing some kind of ethnic review. He had five different boxes that had to be ticked. I thought that that was over-simplifying something far too much when it came down to the spirituality and individuality of these people.

This all relates to Isaac Weld and his observations as he travels around North America, and probably my eternal gripe about PhD students in Labrador too.

Isabelle the Nurse blew in this morning too, totally windswept in this hurricane that’s blowing. She’s just visited one of her clients who lives on the top floor of a large building in the town, and she told me about how that building is shaking and windows rattling.

After she left, I made breakfast and carried on reading ISAAC WELD’S BOOK.

He’s now in Detroit, or what passed for Detroit in the late Eighteen Century, and the thing that struck him the most was that "you see numberless old squaws leading about their daughters, ever ready to dispose of them, ‘pro tempore’, to the highest bidder." Of course, having studied Latin, I know what pro tempore means, and I’m sure that most of you can work out the meaning too. But once more, it tells me more about the morals of the Europeans in Detroit than it does about the native Americans

He’s also present at the annual distribution of presents to the First-Nations people by the British officials in Canada, across the river from Detroit. The officials are handing out "bales of thick blankets, of blue scarlet, and brown cloth, and of coarse figured cottons, together with large rolls of tobacco, guns,, flints, powder, balls, shot, case-knives, ivory and horn combs, looking-glasses, pipe-tomahawks, hatchets scissars, needles, vermilion in bags copper and iron pots and kettles,".

He goes on to say "Besides the presents, such as I have described, others of a different nature again, namely, provisions, were dealt out this year amongst certain tribes of the Indians that were encamped on the island of Bois Blanc, These were some of the tribes that had been at war with the people of the United States, whose villages, fields of corn, and stores of provisions had been totally destroyed during the contest by General Wayne, and who having been thereby bereft of every means of support, had come, as soon as peace was concluded, to beg for subsistence from their good friends the British.".

For a European living in the late Eighteenth Century, he shows a surprising amount of humanity. He talks quite considerably about the First-Nation people and the presents that they receive from the British, "presents of a less value even than what arc now distributed amongst them would perhaps be found sufficient to keep up that good understanding which now subsists between us; it could not, however, be deemed a very advisable measure to curtail them, as long as a possibility remained that the loss of their friendship might be incurred thereby; and, indeed, when we consider what a happy and numerous people the Indians were before Europeans intruded themselves into the territories allotted to them by nature; when we consider how many thousands have perished in battle, embroiled in our contests for power and dominion, and how many thousands more have perished by the use of the poisonous beverages which we have introduced amongst them; when we consider how many artificial wants have been raised in the minds of the few nations of them that yet remain,, and how sadly the morals of these nations have been corrupted by their intercourse with the whites; when we consider, finally that in the course of fifty years more no vestige even of these once virtuous and amiable people will probably be found in the whole of that extensive territory which lies between the Mississippi and the Atlantic and was formerly inhabited solely by them; instead of wishing to lessen the value or the number of the few trifles that we find are acceptable to them in their present state we ought rather to be desirous of contributing still more largely to their comfort and happiness."

He certainly hits the nail right on the head with his comment about "how many artificial wants have been raised in the minds of the few nations of them that yet remain". Is it any surprise to anyone that the more the Western World pounds on about how marvellous and wonderful our style of life is, that more and more people from the deprived areas of the World will want to flood here and take part in it? And how disappointed and what their reaction is going to be when they find out that the streets really aren’t paved with gold as they were promised?

Another comment that he made about the First-Nation and Native American people that impressed itself upon me was "yon must treat them as men that are your equals and in some measure even adopt their native manners. It was by such steps as these that the French when they had possession of Canada gained their favour in such a very eminent manner, and acquired so wonderful an ascendancy over them," and "The necessity of treating the Indians with respect and attention is strongly inculcated on the minds of the English settlers, and they endeavour to act accordingly; but still they cannot banish wholly from their minds, as the French do, the idea that the Indians are an inferior race of people to them"

As for the Americans, "to the conduct of the people of the States themselves alone, and to no other cause, is unquestionably to be attributed the continuance of the warfare between them and the Indians, after the definitive treaty of peace was signed. Instead of then taking the opportunity to reconcile the Indians, as they might easily have done by presents, and by treating them with kindness, they still continued hostile towards them ; they looked upon them, as indeed they still do, merely as wild beasts, that ought to be banished from the face of the earth,"

Even 200 years later, the Americans are still treating the First-Nation people as inferior beings and racism is, if anything even worse these days.

In case you haven’t already gathered, I am finding this book to be one of the most fascinating that I have ever read and I am in awe of Weld’s observations.

Back in here, later than usual, I made a start on my radio programme. And by the time I came to finish work, I’d completed it, right down to the final track and it is ready to go, some time in nine months’ time

There were the usual interruptions of course, lunch, the hot chocolate, making my pizza. And tonight I ended up with another candidate for one of the best pizzas that I have ever made.

Just recently I’ve been watching a French film about a serial killer who roamed the mountains of France at the end of the Nineteenth Century. It turns out to be based on a true story and there was a contemporary book written about it. Having had a look round I found a copy on my ARCHIVE SITE so that’s been added to this ever-increasing list of books to read.

So right now, I’m off to bed. I have my Welsh homework to start tomorrow morning and then I have another painful dialysis session tomorrow afternoon. How I hate those.

Before I go, Isaac Weld told a story of an incident that happened during the giving out of presents, a story that I feel obliged to repeat.
One First-Nation member went back to his teepee carrying a bright red blouse
"Where did you get that?" asked his neighbour
"from the Palefaces" said the First-Nationer. "I got it for the wife"
"Blimey!" said his neighbour. "That was a good trade."

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