Tuesday 3rd September 2019 – I HAD …

… another sleepless night last night. Too much turmoil going on around my head, I reckon, as there has been over the last week or so.

The artist Samuel Gurney Cresswell, who accompanied McClure on an expedition to the Arctic once remarked that a voyage up there “ought to make anyone a wiser and better man”. But it didn’t do that for me, did it?

Still, you live and learn.

So this morning I was up and about early, having been awake for hours. I had my medication, much of which fell down behind the TV cabinet, and then went for breakfast.

Back up here I had a shower and then vegetated for a while before hitting the streets.

One of the streets near here is a shopping thoroughfare so I went to buy food for lunch and a bit of an explore. I eventually found a couple of thrift shops and had a browse but no CDs or books of interest.

No guitars either, and nether were there ukeleles so I couldn’t have a strum. I’ll have to deal with that in due course.

After lunch I attacked all of the e-mails that had arrived while I was out of contact. Piles of them, there were, and it took an age to go through them and the ones that I had saved from the previous trips. Some housekeeping too was in order.

When I was at the shops I bought a huge carton of almond milk so instead of any tea tonight I waded my way through that.

But here we go again. I had a raging thirst for the last few days, the shakes yesterday at the airport and now I seem to be off my food. It seems that I’m heading for another bout of illness (I recognise the signs now) which is no surprise seeing as I have missed 2 sessions of blood transfusions and I have a third to miss as well.

Not that I object though. I wouldn’t have missed this adventure for the world and I’m so pleased to have done it. There might have been a few problems but some of us don’t have problems, we have solutions.

Now I really am tired so seeing as I have a ridiculously early start in the morning it’s high time that I tried my best to sleep.

See you in the morning.

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