Sunday 19th November 2017 – I KNEW …

… that I would suffer for my exertions yesterday, and today was one of the worst days that I’ve had just recently.

And I had a lie-in too. 7:15 when I awoke but badger that for a game of soldiers. More like 08:30 whe I crawld out of bed. I’d been on my travels too, but don’t ask me where because it disappeared right out of my head.

Having had an early night and a good lie-in, you might have thought that I was fit for anything. But that was far from the truth. It was all that I could muster to get off the sofa and go to eat breakfast. And then I sat around all morning doing very little. I couldn’t even manage the tidying up that I had promised myself that I would do.

Lunch was a struggle and thn in the afternoon I crashed out completely. And when I awoke, I couldn’t even go out for my afternoon walk.

It was a late tea . Another excellent pizza – putting pepper on it doesn’t half improve the flavour. And I managed to crawl out for a walk afterwards. I have to force myself to make an effort.

So now it’s an early night again and I hope that I’ll feel better in the morning. At leasr my head cold seems to be quieting down.

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