Saturday 29th July 2017 – I’VE HAD A BAD …

… day today.

It’s probably something to do with my very late night last night – gone 02:30 when I finally crawled off to bed. And it was difficult to leave it at 07:00, I’ll tell you.

For the first couple of hours I didn’t do too much and then for the rest of the morning I went into town. It’s market day, and seeing as I hadn’t been into town during the week I took the opportunity to go for a prowl around.

Still no bank accounts transferred over, and so we had “words” in the branch office there. And quite right too. They seem to think that a wait of almost three months is “normal” – but I don’t, and I told them so too.

But the good news is that at least my pension is now being paid into the account – which means that I can afford to eat now.

Although whether I can do that soon is another matter. We’ve had an “incident” with the fridge today and I can see me having to replace that if I find a cheap one.

It’s my fault – I’m the first to admit it. But chiselling off the surplus ice with a blunt instrument has always worked in the past on every other fridge that I’ve ever had. Why didn’t it work on this one?

I declined the butties on the wall at lunchtime. There was a howling gale blowing and it was pointless to try to sit in that.

Fighting off the fatigue (and not always winning) I attacked another blog page today but ran aground. My heart wasn’t in it at all. I have days like this occasionally as you know and so I’ll have another go tomorrow.

Tea tonight was exciting. I planned something quite different and ended up with stuffed pepper (not made one of those in years), baked potato and frozen veg (and wrestling with the freezer door in the process).

A mix of tomato, mushroom, onion, garlic, olive oil, spices and tomato sauce into the emptied pepper and cooked in the oven for 40 minutes at 180°C (with the baking tray out, of course). Done to a turn it was.

And the veg smeared in butter and black pepper – it was gorgeous. But I never thought on to cook a rice pudding while I was at it. I’m clearly losing my touch.

So I’ll brave the hurricane and go for a walk in a minute, and then an early night.

I wonder where I’ll end up tonight. Last night I was somewhere that looked very much like this place, but I was looking down on it from a couple of hundred feet. We were (or, rather, whoever down there was) fixing a lighthouse that needed a good clean as it was all oiled up and sooty. And we had it working, and the beam was magnificent. Well-impressed with that.

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